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Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Is CHOCOLATE a Health Food ?

We have a long been told that our diets should include lots of fruits and vegetables because they are good sources of antioxidants
Antioxidants protect against cardiovascular disease, cancer and cataracts, and they are thought to slow the effects of aging. 
Chocolate is made up of hundreds of organic compounds, including high levels of antioxidants called catechins. 
On a weight basis, the concentration of antioxidants in chocolate is higher than in red wine or green tea, and 20 times higher than in tomatoes. 
Another piece of good news for chocolate lovers is stearic acid, the main fatty acid in chocolate, does not appear to raise blood cholesterol levels the way other saturated fatty acids do.
Dark chocolate contains more than twice the level of antioxidant found in milk chocolate.
Unfortunately, white chocolate contains no antioxidants. *Sigh*


  1. but only those bitter chocolates yg high antioxidants kn..=) unfortunately, Im not a chocolate lover.. =(

  2. mauu beli cukulat2 byk2 laini..hehehe

  3. @Mandy : same here, tp kadang2 pandai mengidam juga ni :D

    @nGiau : hihi, jummmm :D
