Nuffnang Ads

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Look at us, we're drifting.

  • Our conversations are starting to get shorter.
  • It's harder to find something for us to talk about.
  • It doesn't even feel like it's affecting you.
  • At least tell me if you don' want to talk anymore instead of making me feel like I did something wrong.
  • I just miss how we were before.
I just miss how we were before .

xoxo, Concon  


  1. thank you sister :) i wish i wish i am stronger :(

  2. hahaha.. ko tanya dengan c Sumandak.. kamurang sama ja.. c Aki suda cakap dgn dia tu.. Wey,we still Love U girl la.. cuma,kadang2,memang akan berlaku benda2 seperti itu.. trust me.. ^_^.v.. I'll dump U If I don't Love U.. Baru berapa tahun.. Imagine that U will live with Us sepanjang hidup.. So,kejadian seperti itu kadang2 mesti akan berlaku.. ^_^.v.. Sedikit cobaan mampu mengukuhkan hubungan sepanjang hayat.. Hahahaha..

  3. HAHA ! Aki, what r you trying to tell me? hahaha :D Okey okey :) I got it :D Thanks to both of you ! I love you both too, very much ;) Arianne & Rexs ♥

  4. nothing.. ^_^.v.. Thanks.. Hehehe.. I mean,I'm representing ur MR.. hahaha..

  5. hahaha ! I dont need a boyfriend to be happy :D but a companion, perhaps? Rexs, mcm mau letak ShoutMix dlm blog? HELP ~
